Saturday, September 19, 2009

To answer Tom's question

Tom asked how I will be able to inspire volunteerism and teach health if my ability to communicate is limited.

Volunteers are not expected to accomplish much, outside of teaching English, for their first six months or so. During that time, I will be interacting with a lot of people and learning a lot about the community. From my interactions, my language ability will improve a lot and I will be more aware of the community's needs. I expect that by the middle of my service, I will communicate quite proficiently and know what I can do to help.

My language ability has improved a lot already. Yesterday, I spoke to my host-dad in Khmer for about an hour and a half. Yesterday was also a Khmer holiday and I had conversations with a lot of random people. So, I will continue to improve.

Tom, thanks for asking that question. I look forward to answering more questions on my blog.
I will post more about this week and pictures in a few days.

1 comment:

Watson said...

Today at work I learned that we had $25 in a Kiva account, and I was given the honor to select where it went. I picked a group of farmers from Angk Svay Chek village in Takeo province. Big ups to microfinance