Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Today started out with bliss, when I learned that the Mets got Johan Santana, arguably the best pitcher in baseball, from the Twins for a few prospects. According to all the analysts, with the exception of the amount the mets are going to have to pay him, it was an amazing deal for the Mets. So, I am very excited about that.
I also found out John Edwards dropped out of the race. I am happy about that because now (if my absentee ballot finds me), I know who I am going to vote for. I really like Edwards, but once it became apparent that he was not going to win, I was moving more and more toward Hillary. My current theory is that Hilary is the only candidate who can throw dirt right back at the Republicans during her campaign(probably against McCain) . I also think she has the Clintonian ability to be president with lots of "dirt on her shoulder." I think that the Iraq war would ruin Obama, but Hilary could handle being harshly criticized over it and making the tough decisions. I would love if he were to become president in 8 years, after Hillary. If Obama wins the nomination, I really hope I am wrong and he is the next Kennedy.
On to Copenhagen:
My friend, Brian, and I went to the Statens Museum, an art museum in Copenhagen. Turns out
it's free every day, but there are some paintings that cost money to see. Wednesday will still be museum Wednesday because it was not crowded. It was lucky we didn't pay the extra to see the other rooms. This museum was PACKED with art. We spent about 2 hours there, before we were tired of checking out the art. There was so much there. I hope I am gaining at least a little understanding of art from going to all these museums. Many of the paintings had interesting messages. Probably my favorite part was how many paintings were from 1300-1600 and were about changing the status-quo. I'm sure that's fairly common, but I never noticed it before and I like to see people from the past looking critically at the world. The paintings in this museum also carried lots of emotion. Many rooms were extremely intense. In one room the paintings were somewhat depressing because everyone was looking down and there were dark colors. Another room of modern art was talking about how America spends too much on defense.
I also practiced my Danish with Christian today. He said for an American first speaking Danish, that my Danish is excellent. I doubt his praise for my Danish will last very long, but we'll see.
I'm still trying to figure out where to go for that week I have free. I've been looking at lots of flights and I'd like to stay west, because flights to cool eastern places like Turkey and Greece are really expensive. I think I'm not going to go north because it's just extremely expensive and similar to Copenhagen. So, I'm somewhat perplexed, so if anyone has any good suggestions of where college students can go to have a good time and see some sites and culture, I'd love to hear it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

are you talking about my friend kristian? he's in copenhagen, so you should hang out with him!